Portrait Heidi Rempen-Wehking – Oil painting on wood – 1,20 x 1 m
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It was the end of the seventies, when one of the best gallery owners of Düsseldorf heard about Heidi Rempen-Wehking's art paintings. After showing him 35mm slides of her work, he was electrified and started his journey to the mountainous countryside to the farm, homeland to a new painting, at that time the man from Düsseldorf called this "wild art painting".
Just because the artist did not feel secure enough, not finished enough then and the following years, the exhibition in Düsseldorf, which was planned at that time, never happened.
Now she has been persuaded by her daughters to open her studio online & offline and show her over the years very different themes and motives, conceptions and painting styles, collect it for exhibitions and maybe also sell the one or the other artwork.
Heidi Rempen-Wehking lives her life on a picturesque old farm united with nature. Here, in the vivid and calm setting, she finds her motives, transfers impressions and feelings into the two-dimensional format. Thereby she uses and makes use of all painting and also grafic techniques.
She become acquainted and studied all her techniques during her graphic studies at the former Werkkunstschule Wuppertal. After graduating in 1971, she illustrated one of the bestsellers of Christine Nöstlinger, the children's book author, who died in 2018: "Die Kinder aus dem Kinderkeller" ("The children from the children's cellar".)
"When giving birth to my two daughters, everything began to paint in me", she says. And in the early seventies, in the first artistic workup of pregnancy, environment, pain, love and vision, we already recognize the big experiment – the quiet rage to free ourselves from all the restrictions still prevailing at that time - heart and mind start to flatter and race.
If Heidi Rempen-Wehking now opens her studio a bit and lets us look at her courageous yet finely painted pictures, her drawn impressions and her plate-fixed world, then we should look closely. And discover a great, unknown talent.